COVID-19 Information
This year, if you chose to participate in any Rendezvous Activities that take place in person, you will find that there are a number of guidelines in place to ensure that our event is as safe as possible for the community. We ask that you familiarize yourself with these and to please respect and adhere to the safety measures we have put in place.
The following Operational Plans have been approved by the Yukon Government:
For all Festival Goers, Volunteer and Staff
Assess yourself! We ask that all staff and volunteers of the festival complete this self assessment before starting your day at the festival grounds/event.
YTG Self-Assessment Tool -
For those attending any festival events, if you answer yes to any of the following, please stay home. We have many Rendezvous activities that can be enjoyed virtually this year!
If you have any of the following COVID-19 symptoms
Shortness of breath
Runny nose
Sore throat
Loss of sense of taste or smell
Loss of appetite
Nausea and vomiting
Muscle aches; OR
You have travelled outside of the Yukon within the last 14 days; OR
You have come in contact with someone who is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
Festival Safety Measures/COVID-19 guidelines
Controlled access
Our team will be controlling access into any event areas. All areas will be limited to a 50 person capacity. This includes, staff, volunteers and any support crew. Please be patient with our team as they learn to control the flow of incoming and outgoing attendees.
One way traffic
All event areas will have a one way traffic flow, there will be arrows and signage to guide you in the right direction and to avoid congestion.
Physically distanced line-ups
If an event area is at maximum capacity, we ask that you remain in line in a physically distant manner. We will have floor signage 6 feet apart to help facilitate this.
Physical distanced viewing
At all our live audience events, you will either be guided to your assigned seat or asked to stay within a spray painted “viewing box”.
Sanitizing stations
There will be sanitizing stations at all of our event locations. You are not required to sanitise if you are wearing gloves at our outdoor events, but our team will spray your gloves with sanitizing spray. When entering an indoor location, you will be required to sanitise on entry. We also encourage you to sanitise your hands frequently/as needed while you are at the event.
Wearing a Mask
All festival goers are required as per the Government mandate to wear a face mask at all times when attending any of our festival events.
Cleaning protocols
We have various cleaning protocols in place, this includes scheduled cleaning for our Performance stage which will cause a break in the live entertainment and access to the event room. All items that are handled by multiple people will be sanitised after each person, eg; Axes for Axe Throwing.
Additional Covid-19 Information: